
Dr. S. V. Krishnamoorthy,Principal RVSAC (From August 2023) did his UG degree B.Sc., (Ag.) at Madurai, Masters at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Coimbatore and obtained Doctoral degree during 1996 from AC & RI, Madurai. He has 35 years of rich experience in teaching (UG, PG and Ph.D. courses), research and extension work.

His scholarly contribution of 71 research articles, 4 research notes and 2 book chapters with ISBN helped to reach the current h-index of 8.0 and i10-index of 6.0. Release of three technologies (Cotton IPM module, SVPR 3 for rice fallow and FAW IPM capsule) and facilitating signing of six MOUs (National, International Institutes – WSU, Australia and Private – Syngenta India Pvt. Ltd., FMC India Pvt. Ltd. and FMC Student Fellowship) kept him competitive. Played a pivotal role in shifting of Dept. of Sericulture from Coimbatore to FC & RI Mettupalayam campus (2014) and to obtain Accreditation of B.Sc. (Sericulture) degree program in FC & RI, Mettupalayam. He retired from the illustrious service as Professor and Head, Department of Agricultural Entomology, TNAU, Coimbatore on 30.04.2023.
He was bestowed with SKOCH ORDER OF MERIT Award in 2023 for his significant contribution in “IPM for Maize FAW project”.
As a collaborating Scientist in DFAT project Australia, visited Western Sydney University to monitor Ph.D. Research work during July 2023.