RVSAC Library has rich collection of Agricultural & General Books, Journals and e-resources catering to students and faculty members. The library system and staff is meticulously focused for providing comfortable, user friendly environment so as to enables learning and knowledge creation.
Total No. of Books (Discipline Wise)
Sl. No | Discipline | No. of Volumes |
1 | Agronomy | 677 |
2 | Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry | 295 |
3 | Agricultural Microbiology | 142 |
4 | Crop Physiology (Plant) | 133 |
5 | Environmental Science | 134 |
6 | Animal Husbandry | 95 |
7 | Plant Breeding & Genetics | 150 |
8 | Biotechnology | 109 |
9 | Seed Science & Technology | 364 |
10 | Biochemistry | 170 |
11 | Agricultural Entomology | 371 |
12 | Plant Pathology | 334 |
13 | Nematology | 36 |
14 | Horticulture | 483 |
15 | Food Science | 105 |
16 | Agricultural Economics | 327 |
17 | Agricultural Extension | 133 |
18 | Mathematics & Statistics | 172 |
19 | Agricultural Engineering | 299 |
20 | Forestry | 78 |
21 | English | 105 |
22 | Tamil | 130 |
23 | General Knowledge | 207 |
24 | Physical Education (Yoga) | 40 |
25 | Computer Science | 56 |
TOTAL | 5145 |
List of Journal (National and International)
Sl. No | Name of the Journal | Periodicity |
1 | Indian Journal of Agronomy | Quarterly |
2 | Journal of Soil and Crops | Half-yearly |
3 | Madras Agricultural Journal | Quarterly |
4 | Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics | Quarterly |
5 | Indian Journal of Bio technology | Quarterly |
6 | Indian Journal of Extension Eduction | Quarterly |
7 | Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences | Monthly |
8 | Journal of Indian Society of Soil Science | Quarterly |
9 | Journal of Horticultural Sciences | Quarterly |
10 | International Journal of Tropical Agriculture | Quarterly |
11 | Indian Journal of Bio-technology and Biochemistry | Half-yearly |
12 | Intrnational Journal of Horticultural & Crop Science Research | Half-yearly |
List of Magazines
- Indian Farming Magazine (ICAR)
- Indian Horticulture Magazine (ICAR)
- India Today
- Frontline
- Competition Success Review (English) & GK
- Sports Star (English)
- Business India
- Out Look (English)
- Competition Success Review (English)
Available DSPACE Digital Library Software (Open Source)
Sl. No | Name of the Journal | Periodicity |
1 | Indian Farming | Monthly |
2 | International Journal of Environmental & Agriculture Research | Monthly |
3 | Indian Horticulture | Monthly |
4 | Indian Journal of Agronomy | Bimonthly |
5 | The Indian Journal of Agricultural Science | Monthly |
6 | Indian Journal of Extension Eduction | Monthly |
7 | Journal of Agriculture Extension | Quarterly |
8 | Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics | Monthly |
9 | Journal of Indian Society Soil Science | Bimonthly |
10 | International Journal of Agriculture and Environment and Bio-Research | Monthly |
11 | International Journal of Agriculture Sustainability | Monthly |
12 | Indian Journal of Agroforestry | Half-yearly |
12 | Agricultural Economic Research Review | Half Yearly |
12 | Indian Journal of Horticulture | Quarterly |
12 | Journal of Agricultural Research and Technology | Monthly |
Staff in-charge
- Chief Librarian - Dr. K. Balaji
- Library Assistant - M.Sankara Moorthi MLIS
E-Learning resources
- https:/ebook.icar.gov.in/index.php/ebook/ugbscagri_list
- https://agrimoon.com/agriculture-icar-ecourse-pdf-book/
- https://eagri.org
- https://ecourses.icar.gov.in/
- https://archive.nptel.ac.in/course.html
- eCourses(icar.gov.in)
- https://agritech.tnau.ac.in
- Krishikosh:Home(egranth.ac.in)
- https://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/
Library Facilities
- Reference Service
- Periodical section
- Reprographic Facility
- Internet facility
- Online Public Access Catalogue
- Bar – Coding
- CD Copying
- CCTV – Surveillance
- Wi-Fi facility
- Books CD’S
- Project Reports
- Scan Snap Book Scanner